The CulturEU funding guide
On 29th November 2021, the European Commission launched “CulturEU”, a new interactive guide mapping all funding opportunities available at EU level for the cultural and creative sectors.
CulturEU has been developed as a one-stop shop for EU funding, gathering a total of 75 funding opportunities from 21 different EU programmes, from Creative Europe and Horizon Europe to structural funds and InvestEU. It is designed to help all types and sizes of partners working in the cultural and creative sectors to navigate the EU funding landscape, to understand which opportunities are available to them, and ultimately help them to access EU funding more easily.
Interested parties can automatically filter relevant funding opportunities based on their needs, their sector and the type of organisation they represent. It is supplemented by inspiring examples and best practices. CulturEU will be regularly updated with the most recent information on new calls coming out, and will be available in all EU languages in early 2022.

“Cultural and creative sectors have the unique power to improve lives, create community bonds, generate jobs and growth and to inspire other sectors of activities. It was high time to accompany cultural actors in their search for European funds and to gather in one single guide all the funding opportunities the EU offer them. This unprecedented mapping allows all cultural actors to find the best European funding for them among 75 opportunities in just three clicks. I trust that this guide will further contribute to making our funds more accessible to all cultural organisations and help them on their way to a sustainable recovery.”
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
”Artistic freedom, creativity and cultural diversity are emblematic of our European way of life. Europe is a cultural powerhouse which needs its creative and cultural sectors to thrive. Alongside Next Generation EU, we are launching today a new online tool to enable our artists, creators and culture professionals easily navigate and choose the most relevant support schemes at EU level. Together we can achieve a sustainable recovery for the creative and cultural sectors across Europe.”
Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life