Appel - Deadline: September 7, 2022

NEWS-Journalism partnerships 2022

News Journalism Partnerships will support the European news media sector to become more sustainable and resilient. This will contribute to trustworthy reporting on current affairs and a more informed and inclusive democratic debate. Funding will also support skills development and employment for news media professionals and journalists, and a freer, more diverse and pluralistic media environment.

What is the purpose of the funding?

  • Journalism Partnerships encourages systemic cooperation between professional news media organisations to improve the viability and competitiveness of professionally produced journalism by focusing on collaborative business transformation and collaborative journalistic projects.
  • Creation of knowledge-hubs for sub-sectors around technical formats such as written, online press, radio, podcasts, TV or journalistic genres – local, regional journalism, public-interest journalism, data journalism, and investigative journalism.
  • Acquisition and improvement of professional skills by journalists as well as media business professionals.
  • Increased innovation and creativity in journalistic production processes and distribution processes.
  • Increased interest in journalism, among various social groups, language groups and age groups.

Who can apply?

Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least two applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), which complies with the following conditions:

  • minimum 3 entities from 3 different eligible countries.
  • consortia may include non-profit, public and private media outlets including written, online press, radio, podcasts, TV as well as other organisations focusing on news media including media associations, NGOs, journalistic funds and training organisations focusing on media professionals.

Funding available for

  • Collaborative projects between any news media sectors or genres to enhance cooperation and instil systemic change across the wider news media ecosystem. The proposed activities should be clearly
  • justified and based on the needs of the chosen sector). The proposed partnerships are encouraged to involve organisations from countries/regions with different and diverse media capabilities.
  • Activities should aim to serve the wider ecosystem across Europe, including small media. Sharing of best practices between operators in media markets with different and diverse characteristics in terms of languages, production volumes, sizes, and digitalisation levels is encouraged to promote mutual learning.
  • Activities should include concrete deliverables and set clear, verifiable and quantifiable performance indicators for the mid-term and the end of the project. The estimated reach must be more precise than the sum of available distribution channels, and should be substantiated by a detailed outreach plan as well as proof of interest from the target groups.
  • All Partnerships will operate with full editorial independence. They will need to respect professional, widely accepted editorial standards.
  • All Partnerships should consider the ecological footprint of the activities they propose, and where relevant, describe the strategies to ensure a more sustainable and environmentally-respectful media sectors.

How much can you apply for?

  • Project budget maximum grant amount between €300,000 and €2,500,000 per project.
  • The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.
  • Max co-funding rate: 80%.
  • Max. duration: 24 months.

An online info-session is organised by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency  (EACEA) on 6th April 2022 at 11:00 am CET.

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