Gender and power relations. #MeToo in the Arts: From call-outs to structural change

Research-informed recommendations for network organisations on combating sexual harassment and power abuse in the European cultural sector

In light of developments since 2017, when the #MeToo movement rose to global prominence, the SHIFT – Shared Initiatives for Training partners (nine European cultural networks and platforms) made a common decision to focus on sexual harassment and power abuse in the European art world. Produced by IETM, On the Move – OTM, and FACE – Fresh Arts Coalition Europe, this publication is the culmination of the SHIFT project’s work on Gender and Power Relations.

Through research and main observations, this SHIFT publication starts by nuancing some preconceptions about the status quo of Gender and Power Relations in the arts while taking into consideration the diversity of contexts in Europe. Using a transnational, cross-border approach, the publication also puts forward recommendations and solution-oriented strategies.
